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How to Get Hot Chicks in Tampa to Notice You

Hot Chicks in Tampa and How to Like Them

5. Wear a Funny T-Shirt

Our ‘Welcome to Grampa Bay shirt’ is the coolest thing you can wear in front of ladies.  It will impress them with your epic taste, and it will let them know that you have a great sense of humor.

4. Work Out

Studies show that if you look healthy, more people will find you attractive.  Staying fit in Tampa and working out on Bayshore Blvd, will definitely get hot chicks to notice you.

3. Drive a Cool Car

A really cool car

Chicks dig cars, and nothing is cooler than driving a cool car, like a 1999 Ford Ranger. Pulling up to them while blasting Florida Georgia Line will ensure that you will get at least a phone number.

2. Embarrass Yourself in Public

Chicks can usually be found hanging out together in public. Making a fool of yourself in front of them will let them know that you are confident and capable of making decisions.

1. Scare Them

If you are trying to get a hot girl to notice you, but you don’t have a good opening line, hide behind something and wait for them to pass by.  When the moment is right, jump out and scream.  This will surprise them, causing them to notice you.

Josh Santos

About Josh Santos

Writer and award-winning videographer and documentarian. Instagram: @HashtagSantos