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Tampa Man Can’t Wait to Blow $37.50 He Saved by Not Buying Hurricane Supplies

Tampa’s Craig Guggler is really excited to have an extra almost $40 after deciding not to get hurricane supplies this year.

”Every year it’s the same thing. They say ‘it’s gonna be an extra bad summer so buy canned goods, buy water, buy batteries’ and nothing happens,” he said. “So this year I decided not to and as usual, nothing happened.”

“I know I’ve got, what, another month and a half to go? But hell, I’m probably home free at this point,” he said. “I’ve been home free this whole time! Ha ha ha!”

”Not only do I have this extra cash, but what I don’t have is a bunch of useless food, water and batteries,” he said.

“Sure, that stuff could have sustained me for a few days if something catastrophic happened, but those days would have been pretty miserable and I’d spend them wishing the storm would have killed me anyway,” he said. “But now I’m gonna have a great time at the Mons for about 15 minutes instead! I sure hope they’re open this weekend.”

Clark Brooks

About Clark Brooks

Senior Supreme Executive Premium Content Editor for Tampa News Force. Comedian, writer and ordained minister. Twitter: @ClarkBrooks | Instagram:@ClarkBrooks54