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3 Children Michael Jackson Can’t Keep His Hands Off

Alright, I’m not going to even write this one. Out of respect to the king, it wouldn’t be right to make a joke out of that headline. But to be fair, how funny is it that his last name was “Jackson” and he would literally “jack” your “son.”

Take that however you want to take that.

Even though there’s really only one way that can be taken.

Which is also what he would say to the children.

But honestly, I am trying to make a change for once in my life.

It’s going to feel real good, and it’s going to make a difference, and by golly, hopefully it makes things right.

Alright, nice short quick article for you to digest. Easy reading. A kid could read this. Up- waitttt you almost got me there, trying to work in kids in an article about MJ like that.

Trying to get me to say something like, “even one of his victims could read this,” or something along those lines.

But I caught you before you could get me there, so Ah Ha! Take that!

Kind of like those… Nope! I’m not making ANY more jokes about what that awesome creative genius MAY have done.

I don’t even really think he did.

I mean come on.

It was probably the kids’ idea.

The parents put em up to it!

MJ is this sweet innocent man, and then these little… No, I’m not going to talk about it. I’m not.

But think about it, some little whipper-snappers’ parents go, “come on, just let him ‘beat it’ and we’ll be rich for life! Take one for the team little Scooter!” And they coach him up how to seduce Mr. J…. No, I’m not talking about this, stop forcing me to. I know what you’re trying to do, don’t think I don’t notice, and it’s not going to fly.

You’re trying to get me to write about something I said I didn’t want to write about.

So I won’t. 

There. Easy. Done.

No more talk about… 

But for real, how funny, Jack-Son was with Caulk-In. Somebody was stickin’ their “caulk” in something. OK THAT’S IT I’M DONE. STOP. NO MEANS NO.


John Jacobs

About John Jacobs

MTV Reality TV Star and Award-Winning Tampa News Force Correspondent. Subscribe to YouTube Channel, Follow on Twitter: @MaybachDiamonds Instagram: @MaybachDiamonds

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