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Titus O’Neil Patrolling Sunshine Skyway for Potential Jumpers

Thaddeus Bullard aka professionally as Titus O’Neil has been spotted driving back and forth across the Sunshine Skyway bridge, seeking to find and assist people who may be intent on harming themselves. 

“I was going to Sarasota the other day and this car pulls up beside me and started honking. I look over and holy shit, it’s Titus O’Neil trying to get my attention,” said Jay Glugelhorn of St. Petersburg. “I rolled down the window to see what he wanted and he said, ‘Hey, you aren’t going up here for the purpose of pulling over and jumping off, are you?’ I said, no and he said, ‘Okay, good. You’re welcome, citizen.’ Then he drove off and started honking at a car in front of me.”

The former WWE wrestler is known for being extremely active in various charitable and philanthropic endeavors throughout the Tampa Bay Area.

“Titus is basically Tampa Bay’s Batman,” said Glugelhorn. “I guess he’s also Tampa Bay’s Jon Bon Jovi now too.”

Clark Brooks

About Clark Brooks

Senior Supreme Executive Premium Content Editor for Tampa News Force. Comedian, writer and ordained minister. Twitter: @ClarkBrooks | Instagram:@ClarkBrooks54

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