Coolest Guy in the World Destroys Guitar Noobs with YouTube Comment
Trevor Pester of Clearwater, who is The Coolest Guy In The World and not at all a dick, single-handedly ended the musical aspirations of dozens of would-be guitarists with one off-hand comment on an instructional YouTube video.
“He’s right. I suck,” said one such prospective guitarist, 13-year-old Danny Harrison. “I always wanted to play guitar and finally got one for my birthday but couldn’t figure out how to attach the strap, so I went to YouTube because there’s a help video for everything on YouTube.”
“But then I saw that comment from somebody who’s obviously incredible and has had sex a lot – I mean, it has 328 Likes! – and I realized it’s pointless because I’m not good and I’ll never be any good,” he added.
Harrison writes deep, soulful poetry that would make great song lyrics but will never pick up a guitar or a pen again. He will, however, develop a deep loathing for music and musicians that will cripple him emotionally for the rest of his life.
Meanwhile, Pester, who is not currently and has never been a professional musician but totally would be if the music scene around here wasn’t so fuckin’ lame said, “Aw, I wrote that three years ago. I was a different guy then. My new YouTube handle is @shredgod69.”