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20 Mark Ruffalo Quotes to Live By

Mark Ruffalo is one of our greatest actors of all time. It’s wise to live by the words he says. Here are the top 20 quotes from Mark Ruffalo

  1. “These people need to learn their place or they’re going to end up taking over the world.”

That one was from a secret meeting Ruffalo was having at the Beverly Hills Hotel around 2 am on July 13, 2023. He probably didn’t think anybody was listening, but I was. I heard everything. It may have been a dream though, I had drank a lot and mixed it with Robitussin and Zzzquil, and passed out in a hotel room at the Beverly Hills Hotel and it sounded like Ruffalo next door.

  1. “Cheetos are one of the main food groups. Eat as many Cheetos as you can, while you can, before it’s too late and I already ate them all haha.”

This one is more heresy, I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend there’s no official citation for where that Ruffalo quote comes from, but yea, that’s #19 on the list.

  1. “Save it for later toots, if I wanted anymore bull crap I’d go back to the farm I just worked a 14 hour shift on.”

This quote is from Ruffalo’s famous movie, “Beat It Toots” where he falls in love with a girl at a rival farm during the farm league season so it’s a high tension fun-bath of wonder and whimsy. Also you’ll noticed I skipped a bunch of numbers in this last and only did 3 out of the 20.

I had an ai input engineer who we just hired who was supposed to fill out the middle 17 quotes, which we discussed at length in multiple e-mail threads, but he must be on vacation in the Poconos or something because this is just ridiculous and I feel like I have proverbial egg on my face from this utter catastrophe. Ugh, it’s just like how many more things can go wrong in 1 week! First the kid in Butler, now this? It’s like ugh, can we just get a break for once in our lives.

John Jacobs

About John Jacobs

MTV Reality TV Star and Award-Winning Tampa News Force Correspondent. Subscribe to YouTube Channel, Follow on Twitter: @MaybachDiamonds Instagram: @MaybachDiamonds