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5 Curse Words to Say to a TECO Agent to Get Your Power Turned Back on Faster

Losing your power after a hurricane can be a stressful time. When calling your TECO agent, make sure to use these 5 curse words to guarantee your power turns back on as fast as it possibly can.

  1. The F Word

The F word is a very powerful curse word, and in many people’s minds, is considered the end-all-be-all of curses. It’s got all great sounds from the “fuh” to the “uck.” A strong, alpha, word, which invokes strong feelings from whosever ears it touches. Use this to stimulate the TECO agent to push your house to the front of the line for power fixing. They’ll flip those lights back on quicker than you can say, “flip those f’ing lights back on.”

  1. The N Word

They will turn your lights on immediately if you use this word. Because they will want to see lights on in your house to know when you’re home so they can come kick your ass. It’s a risk-reward system here. You say it, they hate you, they want to kill you, but they put your power on. So use at your own risk, but it will, most definitely, get your power turned back on

  1. Pussy

Reverse psychology is big. Say stuff like, “you won’t turn my lights back on, pussy.” Really trick them into going the other way with this one to get them to turn your electricity back on. Works every time.

  1. Velapundeezi

This curse was found in an old spell book I found buried in an Indian graveyard. The word was surrounded with little lighting and fire emojis on an old scroll and when I said it out loud, my drapes caught fire and sizzled, so what you need to do is trick the TECO agent into saying it back to you, and their drapes will catch flame and they’ll be scared and want to help you more now.

  1. Dag Nabit

Old TV show actors had to make up curse words to get around FCC censors, so they just made noises that sounded like curse words. These are very dangerous on the phone because not only do you know you’re being cursed when you hear them, but you’re forced to fill in the blanks, and create whatever curse word it is you’re being called. You’re leaving it up to the mind of the agent to decide what they’re being called. Work smarter not harder. Let them berate themselves by making serious of offensive-sounding noises that they will assume are actually curses and then connect the dots themselves. A very powerful tactic when it comes to phone-based manipulation. That’s why I put it at #1. 

John Jacobs

About John Jacobs

MTV Reality TV Star and Award-Winning Tampa News Force Correspondent. Subscribe to YouTube Channel, Follow on Twitter: @MaybachDiamonds Instagram: @MaybachDiamonds

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