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Devastating Loss for Bay Area Residents Who Like to Throw Peanut Shells on Restaurant Floors

A massive fire at Cody’s Original Roadhouse on Hillsborough Avenue in Oldsmar early Thursday morning has reduced the dwindling number of Tampa Bay casual steakhouses where you’re allowed to throw peanut shells on the floor by one. 

“Allowed?? They ENCOURAGED that,” said former regular customer Karl Dandleton, choking back tears. “And we loved them for it!”

Popular among several local middle-to-lower cost steakhouses, including Outback, in the 90s for some reason, the practice of patrons snacking on a bucket of peanuts and then just casting the discarded husks on the floor for staff to clean up has largely gone out of fashion. Cody’s was one of the few remaining establishments preserving the tradition, again for some reason. 

“The food and service were okay, but throwing those peanut shells on the floor. That was something special,” said Dandleton’s wife Tanya tearfully. “Me and Karl and the kids could get a full meal AND make people pick up the garbage we threw on the floor like we were royalty and they were our lowly servants for under $100. That’s not happening at Bern’s, I’ll tell you that much.”

“This is the worst thing to happen to an original roadhouse since that Jake Gyllenhaal movie,” wailed Karl inconsolably.

Clark Brooks

About Clark Brooks

Senior Supreme Executive Premium Content Editor for Tampa News Force. Comedian, writer and ordained minister. Twitter: @ClarkBrooks | Instagram:@ClarkBrooks54