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Dog Friendly Gay Bar Bans Pit Bulls

Gay Pits

In a shocking move, the popular gay bar “Bark and Grind” has announced that they will no longer be allowing pit bulls inside their establishment. This decision has caused outrage among the LGBTQ+ community and animal rights activists.

“This place has always prided itself on being a “bitch-friendly” place,” said Bark and Grind manager, Joaquin Fenix.  

Fenix has come under fire for this seemingly discriminatory move. Many customers are shocked and saddened that the bar would ban a certain breed of dog, especially considering the close relationship that many in the LGBTQ+ community have with their pets.

“Pit bulls have a “bad reputation” and we have received numerous complaints about the breed from other patrons.” Continued Fenix while pouring out free shots at the bar. 

However, many animal behavior experts and pit bull owners have come forward to refute these claims, stating that the breed is no more aggressive than any other.

This ban has sparked a heated debate about breed-specific legislation and the stigmas surrounding certain breeds of dogs.

An Instagram account called “GayPits” is currently planning a protest outside the bar, asking pit bull owners to all meet outside of the bar and protest until the ban is lifted.

“We want this bar to embrace all dogs, regardless of breed.” Said Elmar Fhaad, operator of the “GayPits” account. “And until we get what we want, this place is going to have hundreds of pit bulls shitting and pissing in front of it.”

The protest has gained widespread support across many LGBTQ+ Tampa Facebook Groups, with many promising to boycott the bar until the ban is lifted.

The owners of Bark and Grind have released a statement saying they will not cave into the demands of what they are calling a fringe group of pit bull owners.

“We stand by Joaquin and his decision to ban the pit bulls at this location,” said Edward Bark, owner of Bark and Grind. “I own several Bark and Grinds around the country and this is the one that has given me the biggest headache.”

Josh Santos

About Josh Santos

Writer and award-winning videographer and documentarian. Instagram: @HashtagSantos