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Gasparilla Fetus Parade Announced for Tampa

A pro-life parade celebrating unborn children is taking place along Bayshore Blvd this weekend.

“This is going to rival the children and the adult parade,” said Bridget Wiggler, organizer for the Gasparilla Fetus Parade.  “We are going to have 280 floats, and the theme is the creation of life.” 

Each float will be based on what a fetus looks like every day that it is alive until it is born.

“We hope this parade is educational and shows people that a fetus is alive every step of the way and should not be aborted under any circumstances,” said Wiggler.  “We also want to celebrate all the pregnant women, so we are encouraging them to come out and have a few drinks, catch some beads, wait in line to use a portapotty, and make bad decisions in public.”

Once the parade ends, the police will immediately stop helping and there will be no cleanup involved until after the regular Gasparilla.

“We have decided to only support this parade while it is happening,” said Tampa Chief of Parades, Elejandro Miscari.   “We will do everything we can while the parade is happening, but once it’s done, they are on their own.”

Children and adults who are not pregnant or have children are not encouraged to attend. 

Josh Santos

About Josh Santos

Writer and award-winning videographer and documentarian. Instagram: @HashtagSantos