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Tampa Bay’s Least Reliable Meteorologists

With tropical storm season looming, it’s important to start preparing to get ready. And one of the things you are going to want is a meteorologist you can count on for good, sound and timely info. 

Tampa Bay has two of the best in the biz with Paul Dellegatto of WTVT (channel 13) and Denis Phillips of WFTS (channel 28). And honestly, probably anybody else who’s on local TV whose names I don’t know, but definitely either of those two guys.

Who you DO NOT want weather news from is anybody in THIS group…


Listen, in no way are we accusing Autumn Robertson of not being a good meteorologist. Far from it. Fact is, she is an excellent meteorologist. Just top notch. She used to be on WTSP (channel 10) right here in Tampa Bay so she knows tropical weather and she knows the area. But she’s moved on. She’s in Los Angeles now. She’s got her hands full with earthquakes and mudslides and the 405, whatever that is. Just leave her alone.


Skipper loves to play outside, especially when it rains. Listening to advice from Skipper during a hurricane could get you killed. You’re liable to find yourself in a torrential downpour with 100mph winds, trying to throw a tennis ball, which will be pretty much impossible anyway, and at risk of being struck by flying debris or stepping on a downed power line.
But other than that, Skipper is a very good boy. Yes he is!


Rachel is not, to our knowledge, a certified meteorologist but she generally has a good head on her shoulders and sincerely enjoys helping people. She would happily give you some good solid advice on how to handle an impending tropical storm, but there’s a whole line of cars behind you and those people are hungry. Keep it moving, man. 


Kenny is just this guy and he’s pretty much an idiot when it comes to anything. He would also invariably try to steer the conversation into giving you advice about buying NFTs and Bitcoin. Avoid at all costs. Literally. 


This guy tries to confuse people who think he’s either the aforementioned Paul Dellegatto or Denis Phillips or both. He’s neither! He’s not even on TV; he has a podcast and the whole point of that is to meet women. He thinks having a podcast, in 2024, is a way to impress a lady? Totally untrustworthy. As always, when it comes to validating legitimacy, a good first step is to check the spelling. 

Clark Brooks

About Clark Brooks

Senior Supreme Executive Premium Content Editor for Tampa News Force. Comedian, writer and ordained minister. Twitter: @ClarkBrooks | Instagram:@ClarkBrooks54