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Community Center Offers BYOB

The Shanna & Bryan Glazer Jewish Community Center (JCC), located in the former Fort Homer W. Hesterly Armory at 522 N. Howard Avenue in West Tampa, offers a variety of fitness activity programs including their latest: Bring Your Own Basketball!

“It’s a pretty great program! By providing your own basketball, it cuts down on expenses for the JCC and they pass that savings along to the customer,” said BYOB participant Raoul Changerlain. “The only thing that sucks is when nobody brings a basketball.”

A recent BYOB session at the JCC, with players wishing someone had B a B.

”I don’t know how much you know about basketball but it’s pretty difficult to play basketball if you don’t have a basketball,” he said. “When that happens, it’s basically a bunch of guys standing around, yelling ‘I’m open, I’m open’ and hoping somebody eventually shows up with a basketball.”

”It doesn’t happen often but frequently enough to be annoying when it does,” said JCC counselor Doot Finrod. “You’d think at this point everybody who has one would just bring it every time but they’re all like, ‘not my job, man’. Come on, guys. That’s the only way the program works.”

“I will say the one good thing about that happening is that it’s much easier to box out for rebounds. I have never been elbowed in the face any time we haven’t had a basketball,” added Changerlain giving a thumbs-up.

More information about the Shanna & Bryan Glazer Jewish Community Center, as well as the programs and services available, can be found here:

Clark Brooks

About Clark Brooks

Senior Supreme Executive Premium Content Editor for Tampa News Force. Comedian, writer and ordained minister. Twitter: @ClarkBrooks | Instagram:@ClarkBrooks54