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Tampa News Force Heroically Helps Local Theatre Company

Tampa News Force (TNF) was approached last week by The Commodore, a theatre and comedy club on the west edge of Ybor City for assistance in obtaining a license to serve beer and wine at their venue.

TNF’s community engagement initiatives tend to be more actively engaged and robust when beer is involved, so we gladly wrote a letter of endorsement to the Tampa City Council in advance of a meeting later today where the matter will be decided.

May 16, 2024

Tampa City Council
315 E Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, FL 33602

Re: AB2-24-0000007

To Members of the City Council:

I am writing on behalf of Tampa News Force to express our support for the Special Use 2 application submitted by The Commodore (application no. AB2-24-0000007) that, if approved, would permit The Commodore to sell beer & wine on premises during business hours.

Ass you are no doubt aware, Tampa News Force is Tampa Bay’s number one purveyor of cutting-edge satire and parody and among the leading arts organizations in Tampa Bay. I meant to type “as” not “ass” but I’m going to leave it because that’s funnier and that’s just prime evidence of the kind of razor-sharp comedy material we produce, even when we aren’t trying very hard.

A venue like The Commodore provides not only another source of live entertainment for residents of and visitors to our city, they also provide a platform for local artists to learn, develop and improve the skills they need to become better performers.

Plus, a lot of the shows they produce feature improvisational comedy and audiences deserve to have access to beer and wine in order to try to sit through that.

Having the ability to sell beer & wine to their patrons will not only have the effect of significantly growing the audience for their new venue and will augment the experience they are providing to their customers and the neighborhood as a whole, it will also serve as a source of revenue and help the organization cover necessary expenses.

Plus, we have a vested interest in this effort as we have a show there on Friday, May 24th at 8:45pm; “Tampa News Force Live!” Tickets are only $10 but we could probably hook you up if necessary. I mean, we’re all in this together if you know what I’m saying and I think that you do.

This is in no way an attempt to curry political favor in exchange for free theatre tickets. But come on. We’re all adults here.

Their application has our full support, and we urge the Tampa City Council to approve it.


Clark Brooks
Senior Supreme Executive Premium Content Editor
Tampa News Force

That should clinch it.

And don’t forget…
Tampa News Force Live
Friday, May 24, 8:45pm
The Commodore
811 E. 7th Avenue
Tampa 33602


Clark Brooks

About Clark Brooks

Senior Supreme Executive Premium Content Editor for Tampa News Force. Comedian, writer and ordained minister. Twitter: @ClarkBrooks | Instagram:@ClarkBrooks54