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Which President Gives The Best Head

When it comes to head, presidents are no strangers. These are the Presidents who give the best blow jobs.

  1. Willard Filmore

I don’t even know if this ones a President. I’ve just heard that name before, and I think it’s a President. Anyways, he gives “good head.”

  1. Dexter Wexley

This isn’t an American President. I did not say in the title that this was limited to American Presidents, this guy was the president of Pepsi in 1980. And trust me on this one. He knows what he’s doing. (Insert winking emoji, but it’s winking so hard it’s like giving itself a bruise.

  1. Prezzy Dent

I skipped a few numbers, and I completely made this one up. Not even a real person. And to be honest, Dexter Wexley wasn’t either, I know I said he was the CEO or whatever of Pepsi but he didn’t exist either, I lied. I love to lie. Oooo it feels good doesn’t it. Feels so good to lie, and I do it when I come to what Presidents give the best head.

Just kidding, the real #1 answer goes to… drum roll please…. President Marley Fitzgerald! Our first inter-gender trans-species, radical binarian, future President, of 2042.

I used a future-seeing device to look into the future to learn which President gave the best head. And it was this one! Because they also document that stuff and keep record of it in the future which is accessible by everyone. Public information is actually really great after “the incident” in 2039, which we’ll all learn about super soon. 

John Jacobs

About John Jacobs

MTV Reality TV Star and Award-Winning Tampa News Force Correspondent. Subscribe to YouTube Channel, Follow on Twitter: @MaybachDiamonds Instagram: @MaybachDiamonds