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Mud Soup Company Opens in Ybor City

A new soup company is moving to Ybor City to replace the recently closed Stone Soup company.

“We always enjoyed the idea of Stone Soup Company but were very disappointed each time we went,” said Flubbers Jillio, the founder of Mud Soup Company.  “We wanted to keep everything exactly the same but update the name to something that wasn’t stone.”

Jillio settled on mud after thinking about what the opposite of a stone was.

“Mud is basically a melted rock,” said Jillio.  “What I don’t want people thinking is that our restaurant will make them shit mud or that our soup is part mud.”

I was then given a tour of the kitchen, which was the same as Stone Soup Company, complete with rats and roaches running around everywhere.

“We thought about maybe cleaning up around here but we wanted to preserve as much of this history of this place as possible, even though it is not the original location.” Said Jillio.

Mud Soup company has recently completed updating the signage for the building and is now open to the public, at least until everyone stops supporting it for being trash.

Josh Santos

About Josh Santos

Writer and award-winning videographer and documentarian. Instagram: @HashtagSantos