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Matt Gaetz Pelted with Water Balloons Full of Semen

Matt Gaetz Hit with Water Ballon full of semen

Pensacola Town Hall – Escambia County – Tuesday, 5.4.2019

While leaving a town hall today, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz was pelted by supporters with water ballons full of human and pig semen.

“Any regular person who receives this kind of treatment would be outraged,” said Gaetz while licking some of the semen off his face, “But I actually find it kind of nice because they are giving me attention, which is something my father never did.”

The junior representative from Pensacola was most recently ‘milkshaked’ by activists while leaving a town hall.

The woman who threw a milkshake at Gaetz is currently under arrest. The group of people who pelted him with semen-filled water balloons were his donors and some of his strongest supporters.

“I actually called a few of them up earlier and asked if they could fill up some balloons with their semen real quick,” said Gaetz who had now removed his nice suit jacket to continue licking off some more of the semen. “I love my supporters, and their semen.”

Josh Santos

About Josh Santos

Writer and award-winning videographer and documentarian. Instagram: @HashtagSantos