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Ybor City to Become 55+ Only Community

Ybor 55

After the passage of a recent noise ordinance, Ybor City Historic Neighborhood Society announced it will begin requiring age verification to enter any business establishment in the district. “We are catering to the folks with money,” said YCHNS President Howard Milonaise. “I moved to this neighborhood five years ago and I love the culture, but…

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Abandoned Downtown Building to become 40-story Dance Club

Tampa Towers – Hillsborough County – Wednesday, 4.3.2019 One of the two “Tampa Towers” in Tampa’s Channel District will now become a full-time 40-story dance club, according to an official statement from the “Tampa Towers” realty office. “Due to a strange turn of events, and a lack of rentals in one of our towers, the…

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