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Screw You Mr. Rabiola!

Mr. Rabiola

Mr. Rabiola, my high school English teacher, taught me many things. But now that I’m a professional writer at a Floridian news empire, I don’t have to follow the rules. I understand that I’m typically not supposed to start sentences with a conjunction. I understand that additional clauses starting with “and” should be set off…

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Rick Scott to open boys preparatory academy in St. Pete

School of Rick

Senator Rick Scott announced his plan to open the first of what he hopes will be a statewide chain of prep schools for boys in St. Petersburg. “It’ll be called the School of Rick and the mission will be to teach boys to be men,” says the former governor of Florida. “I mean, obviously boys…

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Florida Charter High Schools Ready for Freshman Class Draft

Gifted Science Magic Charter School – Hillsborough County – Saturday 4.27.2019 Florida is set to become the first State to allow charter schools a chance to pick the students they want from graduating public school 8th graders. “We’ve realized that making every school in Florida an A+ school, takes a lot of work,” said Florida…

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