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Agency you’ve probably never heard of that never did anything calls it quits


The Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority (TBARTA), the transit authority that oversees regional transportation needs in Hernando, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco and Pinellas counties has voted unanimously to dissolve the organization. “Fuck it,” said TBARTA Chairman Cliff Manuel Jr. “We out.” The agency, started by the state in 2007 but not having received funding from…

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This week’s public school lunch menus


As a public service to the millions of parents to school-age children in the Tampa Bay region who read our site every single day, Tampa News Force proudly presents what the kids will be eating for lunch at school this week. You know, for planning purposes. Enjoy! CITRUS COUNTY Monday, October 3: Tater Thots Tuesday,…

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Consequences of Piney Point debacle beginning to manifest


Following the authorization by Florida Department of Environmental Protection officials to release roughly 215 million gallons of wastewater from the Piney Point facility in Manatee County as an emergency response to a leak in a containment pond liner back on March 31, the first negative repercussions are beginning to show up in the form of…

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Red Tide anticipating huge year, thanks to government stimulus

Red Tide

Red Tide, the harmful algal blooms that occur along coastal regions from time to time, is expecting to have a very successful 2021, something that probably wouldn’t have been possible without assistance from the government. “I’ll be honest, we were looking at a pretty bleak 2021”, said one of the protozoans and unicellular algae (e.g.…

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