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CDC releases statement: Coronavirus actually has Tampa origin

Tampa CDC briefing

”I just want to apologize to China and to the Chinese people who have been unfairly and ruthlessly judged because we thought CODVID-19 originated from a Chinese citizen eating an infected bat. It turns out bats are completely safe to eat and we have just been being total dicks about it.” Dr. Wolfe said solemnly at a CDC press conference at Tampa General Hospital.

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Local man has lost track of time

Time Man

“Time has no meaning for me. It’s been so long that I’ve just forgotten, I guess,” says Rerse, who’s been home from work since last Friday. “Is it the weekend? Is it a Wednesday? Is it Christmas?? I don’t know!”

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Meh, Boomer: TNF for grown folk – March 22, 2020

Grampa Brooks

Remember the good ol’ days when the biggest thing we had to worry about was African people starving to death? Now, I’ve already seen all of these goddamn TV shows! Here’s your news. Controversial youth coach gets second chance in Seminole Heights By Clark Brooks |  March 16, 2020 | 0 Comments “Coach Galvin is a dynamic personality…

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Local filmmaker wishes his latest masterpiece was Korean


A Tampa Bay artist who goes by the name ‘Qliquebait’ (“It’s ironic, get it? You probably don’t get it”, he says) is regretting that his latest short film is not Korean. “This Korean director has stolen my thunder”, he says. “Anybody can make the next Harry Potters, superficial feel-good movies designed to please the sheep…

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