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Top Five Economy Lodging Options In Tampa

Motel Fun

Between Governor Ron DeSantis and his DeSciples declaring Disneyworld off limits and people coming here to live and not just visit, tourists are becoming an endangered species in the state of Florida. Add to that an economy ravaged by inflation, and it’s easy to see that the state’s leading industry is in serious trouble.

With that in mind, we here at Tampa News Force are offering up some handy penny-pinching tips for places to stay (with proximity to fun local attractions!) so people will still want to visit our local paradise.

The Open Gate Motel


4810 N. Florida Ave.
Voted by, “Most Likely Place To Have Someone Break In And Harvest Your Organs While You Sleep” five years in a row!
CLOSE TO: Cappy’s Pizza, Dollar Tree and Broward Elementary School

The Dutch Motel
108 W. Hillsborough Ave.
Fun fact: the slang phrase “In Dutch” means in trouble or disfavor. That may explain why this gem is so popular with those hiding out and waiting for the heat to die down after unsuccessful liquor store robbery attempts.
CLOSE TO: Circle K, Ichicoro Ramen and The Open Gate Motel

The Sunny South Motel

Sunny South
3206 W. Hillsborough Ave.
If you’re looking for an ideal spot to hook up with a crossdresser you met on Craigslist, THIS is it! Just kidding. Nobody hooks up with crossdressers via Craigslsit anymore. Try Grindr or
CLOSE TO: Century Buick GMC. El Pollo Tropical and Tires Plus

The Jayhawk Motel

3415 N. Nebraska Ave.
If you’re from Kansas and have to go to a motel to view porn for some reason, this is the perfect getaway spot for you!
Robles Park, Deeper Life Christian Church and the last living gender-fluid prostitutes left over from the glory days of Nebraska Avenue back in the ’80s.

The Mayflower Motel

7510 N. Florida Ave.
Do you love your car but hate the fact that it has windows and a radio? Stay at the Mayflower and local volunteers will take care of that problem while you sleep FOR FREE! It’s called The Mayflower because staying there is like being a pilgrim; an unwanted visitor in a foreign land!
CLOSE TO: City Electric Supply Tampa Central, Heights Pizza and Raymond, an old guy who just walks around threatening people

Clark Brooks

About Clark Brooks

Senior Supreme Executive Premium Content Editor for Tampa News Force. Comedian, writer and ordained minister. Twitter: @ClarkBrooks | Instagram:@ClarkBrooks54