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Tampa Based Cryptocurrency Ranked Most Stable in the World


A Tampa-based cryptocurrency is being hailed for its inventive new strategy that has crypto experts in disbelief.

While most cryptocurrencies are backed by absolutely nothing, Tampa’s very own official cryptocurrency, Tampa Coin, has managed to tie its value algorithm with the probability of Tampa sports teams winning games.

“When Tampa Coin was created, it was completely worthless,” said Tampa Coin co-creator, Joshua Santos. “Today it is still worth nothing.”

Of the one billion Tampa Coin in circulation, only two people have it, and the purchasing process is incredibly complicated.

“It requires you to have a separate cryptocurrency to purchase Tampa Coin,” said Santos. “Also when you buy it, I don’t know where that money goes.”

Santos explained that he had no idea what he was doing when he set up the creation of Tampa Coin, he also didn’t realize how expensive it would be.

“This was supposed to be a fun crypto project that would give people in Tampa a decentralized currency that we could use to support arts programs in the City,” Santos ranted on to himself, boring me in the process. “Seeing everyone losing money on crypto has made me rethink the entire value of the coin.”

Santos then invited me to grab a few beers to continue his cryptocurrency dialogue. While I didn’t understand a majority of the words he was saying, Santos did convince me to invest almost $5000 in TampaCoin.

“If the Tampa sports teams continue winning games like they have been, then the value will skyrocket and we will all be millionaires.” He said while ordering another round of tequila shots. “We’re going to live forever!”

Those were the last words I remember before blacking out and waking up in some random lady’s house. 

TampaCoin is currently still available for purchase through some method, we aren’t sure how it works, and this article contains no financial advice that says you should buy it.

Josh Santos

About Josh Santos

Writer and award-winning videographer and documentarian. Instagram: @HashtagSantos