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Top 5 Least Essential Service Providers

Non Essential Providers

Is this headline an oxymoron or a double negative? I don’t know. It seems like it could be worded differently, but it’s supposed to mirror the article that ran earlier this morning, like a companion piece. What an utterly inconsequential thing to worry about. Just like the people on this list… 5. Sideline Reporters Is…

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Top 5 Most Essential Service Providers


About a year ago, we were all really appreciative of people who worked in certain sectors providing services to us. So much so, that we deemed them ESSENTIAL. Now that things seem to be returning to “normal”, it looks like we’re taking them for granted again. This post is intended to direct the spotlight back…

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Top 5 craziest people

5. Hitler Commonly referred to by his whole name, Adolf Hitler, he’s the father of the Holocaust and widely regarded as one of the most criminally insane people in the world. He felt nothing ordering the death of countless people and the suffering of millions globally. This guys absolutely nuts. 4. Freddy Kline Fred is…

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How to emotionally manipulate through fear

Emotionally Manipulate Through Fear

In unfortunate situations such as kidnapping or abuse which would be forcing you to stay somewhere you don’t want to be, emotional manipulation can be used to save your life. While it’s immoral to do anything which would influence someones action in an insincere way, if it’s a matter of life and death, you can…

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What’s the Best Time to Go to Trader Joes?

What is the Best time to go to Trader Joes

I’m asking for a friend because they have never been.  Have you been to Trader Joe’s lately?  The prices are incredible, but I hate waiting in my car. I also hate getting there and having to wait to see produce because other people are in my way. I also hate waiting to check out.  I…

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What Wearing A Mask In Public Says About You

What wearing a mask in public says about you

Studies show that people who are wearing a mask in Florida, can’t breathe. It seems like a lot of people around the country can’t breathe for a variety of reasons.  Should we be forcing people into not breathing by wearing a mask in heavily air-conditioned buildings?  Stores that force customers to wear a mask might…

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