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Tampa News Force


What scam should you fall for?

My dad used to tell me that truly innocent people can’t get scammed, because people who get scammed are trying to take advantage of a situation or skip necessary steps in a process or otherwise trying to get something for nothing, something they haven’t earned or don’t deserve. I can see his point and there’s…

Breaking News

DeSantis to Personally Investigate Latest Assassination Attempt on Trump

By Clark Brooks | September 16, 2024

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be conducting his own investigation regarding the attempted assassination of former President Trump at the Republican presidential nominee’s golf club in West Palm Beach yesterday. “Governor DeSantis feels very strongly that this situation requires his immediate and personal attention,” said spokesperson Katie Beatty. “He always gets involved at this level…

Rick Scott Accused of Crop Dusting Elementary School Classroom

Rick Scott Accused of Crop Dusting Elementary School Classroom

By Josh Santos | May 9, 2019

Bay County Elementary School – Bay County – Thursday, 5.9.2019 Mrs. Ellison’s first grade class at Bay County Elementary School received a surprise visit from Florida Senator, Rick Scott, who stopped in for a brief photo-op book reading with the children. After reading a few chapters from Judith Krantz’s 1990 novel, Dazzle, Scott got up…

Busch Gardens to allow CBD and other Drugs, paraphernalia

Busch Gardens to allow CBD, Bongs and other Drug Paraphernalia

By Josh Santos | May 9, 2019

Busch Gardens – Hillsborough County – Thursday, 5.9.2019 To capitalize on the old woman being arrested at Disney for carrying CBD oil for her arthritis, Busch Gardens has announced it will allow all forms of CBD in the park. Along with the new rules, guests will be permitted to bring any ‘bongs’ or ‘drug paraphernalia’…

Top 5 Things in Tampa that need to be Gentrified

Top 5 Things in Tampa That Need to be Gentrified

By Josh Santos | May 9, 2019

Nearly a decade ago, Tampa wasn’t nearly as gentrified as it is today. If Tampa wants to continue its trajectory towards becoming the ‘Next Greatest City in America’, it needs to fix these locations that Tampa News Force has recognized as places that still require a little more gentrification to make it comfortable for rich…

Rick Scott to become new leader of Venezuela?

Rick Scott Asks Trump to Make Him Leader of Venezuela

By Josh Santos | May 9, 2019

Golden Corral – Bay County – Thursday, 5.9.2019 Citing the notes he prepared for his meeting, Florida Senator Rick Scott asked the president to forcibly remove the leader of Venezuela and install the freshman senator as leader of the country. “I speak Spanish, I was governor of Florida and with my help, Venezuela could become…

Best Slot Machines at the Hard Rock Casino

Top 5 Best Slot Machines at the Hard Rock Casino

By John Jacobs | May 8, 2019

The Hard Rock Casino in Tampa is one of the biggest in the world thanks to its wide assortment of slot machines. Tampa News Force went ahead and tried all of them and ranked them here, for you: 5. Willy Wonka Normally I’d say stay away from the movie gimmick machines, because they’re usually the…

Rick Scott Wins Award for Best Dick Pic

Rick Scott wins award for ‘Best Dick Pic’

By Josh Santos | May 7, 2019

Woodland Reserve – Hillsborough County – Tuesday, 5.7.2019 Florida Senator Rick Scott accepted the award for ‘Best Dick Pic’ today at the 68th annual Florida Boat Club Magazine Awards. “I don’t believe I have ever even taken a ‘Dick Pic’,” Scott said while reluctantly accepting the award. “I do however love being here in Florida,…

Top 5 Most Walkable Highways in Tampa

Top 5 Most Walkable Highways in Tampa

By John Jacobs | May 7, 2019

There are many roads and highways in the state of Florida, but how many of them are truly walkable? Check out our list of the top walkwable highways. 5. Bayside Bridge (The one between St Pete and Clearwater) If you’re unfortunate enough to have your tire pop on this road, at least you’re fortunate enough…

Bayshore Water fountains to now serve Red Bull, Mountain Dew Kickstart and Wine

Bayshore Drinking Fountains to offer Chardonnay, Red Bull, and Mountain Dew Kickstart

By John Jacobs | May 6, 2019

Tampa – Downtown – Monday, 5.6.2019 Construction to upgrade the Bayshore Boulevard drinking fountains is underway. The fountains will now spurt wine, Red Bull, and Mountain Dew Kickstart. The funding for the renovations comes from Gov. Desantis’ new “Excited Citizens” tax bill. This bill allocates $25 million towards keeping everyone on Bayshore Boulevard happy at…

Spectrum Internet Network Discovered to be Potato in child's room

Spectrum “Fiber” Network Discovered To Be a Potato In a Kid’s Room

By Josh Santos | May 5, 2019

Spectrum Headquarters – Hillsborough County – Sunday 5.5.2019 After numerous complaints, federal investigators discovered that Spectrum’s self-described ‘Fiber-Rich’ internet network has actually been a series of wires connected to a potato in the room of a Carrollwood 6th grader. “I’m pretty sure I could create a more reliable internet service with a free Saturday, $7,…

Best Gas Stations in the Tampa Bay Area

Tampa News Force Favorites: Top 5 Gas Stations in Tampa

By John Jacobs | May 4, 2019

With award season upon us, Tampa News Force will be sharing their favorite things in the Tampa Bay area. Gas Stations in Florida are some of the greatest in the USA. Along with ability to buy alcohol, some of our favorite gas stations do more than just provide gas. The following are our Tampa News…